
CLIPP is the French professional Rabbit Council, which has established a plan for the reduction of antimicrobial use in rabbits. Part of this plan was to install an indicator to follow-up the antimicrobial use in rabbit farms. A sample representing about 75% of French rabbit farms voluntarily report data since 2011 in the frame of the technical-economic data collection performed by the French applied research and development institute (ITAVI) and supported by governmental funds.

Data collection

Data are collected at the batch level (e.g. n = 4152 batches from 587 farms in 2018).
Animal subcategories
: Two are distinguished: mother rabbits and fattening rabbits.

Input: Info on the treatments [in the form of the calculated Index of Frequency of Treatments with Antibiotics (IFTA)] can be provided by vets, farmers as well as technicians. As no animal population is used for standardisation of the usage, no animal numbers need to be reported for the analysis. 


Treatments are directly converted to the IFTA, an indicator developed in collaboration with the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) and based on counts of actual number of treatment days reported in relation to the rearing period length in days.

Benchmarking & Reporting

Collective references are calculated at the national and production organisation level and are made available for professionals. Individual farm results can be compared to these references.
