DLN cattle


The Czech Veterinary Research Institute financed by the Ministry of Agriculture is the administrator of the Register of treatment and indications, of which a pilot project in dairy cattle has started in January 2017. All Czech dairy cattle herds can participate on a voluntary base.

Data collection

Animal subcategories: Three weight categories are distinguished: calves, heifers and dairy cows.

: Through an online database. Farmers as well as vets can log in and are identified as such. 
The system has been updated with an interface that allows the uploading of data important for farmers and the farm/health status of the herd management [genetics, productivity, diagnosis, veterinary medicinal products used (VMPs), withdrawal periods].


The antimicrobial use is quantified well as the use of other VMPs at farm level. A benchmarking item has been introduced. Raw use data at farm level are provided through the online tool. Trainings of vets/farmers to spread the system were organised in 2017/18. Summarizing results are also presented through workshops and seminars. VMPs used are linked to indications (international code ICAR). Cross checking is possible with invoices system (sales data in national database provided by wholesalers).


No benchmarking is as yet performed. 


Raw use data at farm level are provided through the online tool. Summarizing results are also presented through workshops and seminars. VMPs used are linked to indications. Cross checking is possible with invoices system (sales data in national database provided by wholesalers).
