

RefA²vi is the ‘Réseau professionnel de Références sur les usages d’Antibiotiques en élevage Avicole’ or the ‘professional reference network on antibiotic usage in poultry production’. It is a partial coverage system managed by both ANVOL (French interprofessional body of the poultry production), which is responsible for the data collection, and ITAVI (French poultry, fish and rabbit technical institute), which is in charge of calculations of references and of communication. Following a pilot phase, data collection started in 2019, retrospectively collecting 2018 data. All poultry species are covered – broilers and turkeys being especially focused on (+ ducks, guinea fowl).

Data collection

Animal (sub)categoriescategories considered are based on production types and rearing characteristics rather than age.

Data are collected from production organisations. They transmit production data (e.g. flocks size, weight slaughtered) and antimicrobial usage data, entered in their own databases either by veterinarians (prescriptions or deliveries) or farmers, twice a year. ANVOL anonymises and aggregates the data before sending to ITAVI.


Two ways for quantification are considered: based on treatments administration or on packages delivered.

Unit of measurement: AMU is expressed as a number of DDD or DCD making use of national DDD and DCD values (made publicly available by the French Agency for Veterinary Medicinal Products (ANMV)).

Indicators: number of DDD and DCD are reported to the amount of kilograms slaughtered.


No benchmarking method. Each production organisation can access to the results calculated for its farms and compare results to the references from the whole dataset.


Results are made publicly available on the ITAVI website.
