Swedish Board of Agriculture


The Swedish ‘Djursjukdata DAWA’ is owned by the Swedish Board of Agriculture (SBA). It is the oldest data collection system of antimicrobial use at farm level. A computer-based system was gradually introduced from 1982 and was launched at a national level January 1, 1984. The system was introduced through a general agreement between the government and the Federation of Swedish Farmers (LRF). The system was first introduced on a test basis in one county already in 1971, and in a second country from 1977. It covers 100% of farm animals and horses.

Data collection

Animal subcategories: In pigs: adults, fatteners, weaners, sucklers; in cattle: calves less than 2 months, calves 2-6 months, calves over 6 months, adults; in horses: foals < 4 months, foals 4-12 months, 1-3 years, adults; in sheep/goats: lambs < 2 months, 2-5 months; 5-12 months; > 1 year; in poultry: broilers (or corresponding), pullets, laying hens, other breeding animals.

Input: It is mandatory for vets to provide treatment data. Record keeping at the farm is mandatory for farmers but they do not provide any data.

Analysis, Benchmarking & Reporting

Data are not further analysed at farm level in general. However, Växa Sverige, the Swedish Dairy Association, extracts data from the SBA for dairy farms affiliated to Växa which is reported yearly. No benchmarking of results is however performed.

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