
Quantification, Benchmarking and Stewardship of Veterinary Antimicrobial Usage
Third International Conference
5 - 6 May 2022 @ Hanover, Germany
The organising and scientific committee of the Third International Conference on Quantification, Benchmarking and Stewardship of Veterinary Antimicrobial Usage are grateful to all presenters and participants for making it a highly interesting and pleasant two days. Throughout the many presentations and informal talks, it has become clear that the topics AACTING is concerned with are more relevant than ever, in Europe, following the new veterinary legislation and its many implications concerning (quantification of) antimicrobial use, but certainly also worldwide. Veterinary AMU data is being collected, analysed and reported throughout the world, highlighting the relevance for scientists, policy makers and other stakeholders to share knowledge and discuss about the many (common) challenges, solutions and opportunities.
We are very much looking forward to the continuation of the AACTING Conferences in the future; the organisation of a fourth Conference is currently being investigated. Please join our mailing list if you want to be informed about our activities. If you are interested to host an AACTING Conference in the future in your country/institute, you can contact us using the contact form.
In the meantime, please find the final programme and abstract book of the Third Conference below, along with some pictures.
The Final Programme is available.
Abstract submission